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Organic Canna 'Cleopatra' 5 bulbs


These vibrant yellow & red blooms are very striking, both their flowers and foliage offer long lasting colour in the garden. Plant in spring and enjoy flowers mid-late summer and early autumn. 5 bulbs per pack. More details below

Organic Canna ‘Cleopatra’

These are stunning bright yellow and red flowers that add a big splash of colour in the garden. The canna lily plant is a rhizomatous perennial with tropical-like foliage and large flowers that resemble that of iris. Canna lilies are low maintenance and easy to grow, and both their flowers and foliage offer long lasting colour in the garden. This is a compact, dwarf variety that reaches around 80cm in height. They are very nice pond-side plants as they can tolerate moist ground, they also do well in pots but make sure to give plenty of water. They love full sunshine or light shade and will bloom for around four weeks, from mid summer to early autumn. Attractive to the butterflies.

Organic Canna Planting and Care Instructions

Before planting, loosen the soil to a depth of 10 inches, then mix in a 2 to 4-inch layer of compost. Plant Rhizomes 4-6inches deep. Provide consistent moisture during growing season and do not allow soil to dry out. 

  • Height: 70-80cmcm
  • Plant: April/May
  • Flowers: Summer, early Autumn
  • Colour: Bright yellow & red
  • Position: Plant in full sun, partial shade
  • Suitable as a cut flower
  • Pack of 5 bulbs.

Dead head throughout flowering season to keep them blooming for longer.

Although Canna can survive mild winters, they do not like hard frost. Once the leaves start to break down in autumn, fold this over the crown of the plant and cover in a thick layer of straw.

You can also dig your Canna up and store in a cool, frost free place ready to plant out the following spring.

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