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Beetroot 'Egyptian Turnip-Rooted'


'Egyptian Turnip-Rooted' is an early variety of beetroot with good bolt-resistance. These short-topped beets are smooth skinned, with a deep red, tender and flavoursome flesh. They are particularly good when eaten raw in salads. Each packet contains 5g of organic seed. More details below.

Organic 'Egyptian Turnip-rooted' Beetroot Seed

Growing schedule: Sow indoors from March or outdoors from April to July. Seeds are usually sown direct in the ground - but can also be started in modules indoors. Sow successively for a continuous supply of young beets.

Sowing depth: 1 - 2cm

Germination: Seeds germinate in around 7 -10 days.

Planting distance: Give 10 - 15cm between plants; 30cm between rows. Beetroot seed is actually clusters of about 3 to 4 seeds so when direct sowing you will need to thin-out to get good plant development.

Growing conditions:

  • Beetroot prefers full sun and rich, moist, fine, well-draining soil. It grows poorly in very acidic soil.
  • Freshly manured plots are not advised as they can cause roots to become misshapen. Well-rotted compost or all-purpose balanced fertilisers such as Topmix Complete Organic Plant Food 4-3-7 or Biodigester Organic Plant Food 4-3-7 are a better option for beetroot.

Harvest: Beets should be harvested in summer or autumn. Lift or cover before heavy frost.

Number of seeds: Each packet contains 5g of organic seed.

More Information
Special Features Easy Gardening, Winter Harvest
Life Cycle Annual, Biennial
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