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Pest Control

  1. Organic Aphid Control

    Organic Aphid Control
    Aphids, those tiny, sap-sucking insects, are one of the most common pests gardeners encounter. Understanding these pests and employing organic control methods can help maintain a healthy garden ecosystem without resorting to harmful chemicals.
  2. Organic Pest & Disease Control

    Organic Pest & Disease Control
    Prevention is the foundation of organic pest and disease control. By implementing proactive measures, you can reduce the risk of infestations and keep your plants healthy. 
  3. Pest and Disease Management

    Pest and Disease Management
    The best method of pest and disease management is always prevention. Make sure your soil is healthy, that conditions are suitable for the crop you are sowing and that it is the correct time of year. Crop rotation is also important, many pests and diseases are plant family specific. By rotating crops between sites these pests tend to decline in...
  4. Nematodes for Vine Weevil and Crane Fly

    Nematodes for Vine Weevil and Crane Fly
    What are Nematodes? Nematodes are small, often microscopic, unsegmented roundworms with a narrow cylindrical body.  They are parasitic and prey on many garden pests. Nematodes are host specific and as a result there are thousands of different ones. They are one of the most successful and adaptable of all animal groups. Natural predators, nematodes attack the pest by entering body...
  5. Flea Beetle and How to Control Them

    Flea Beetle and How to Control Them
    Why are there holes in my Rocket? These tiny (and unsightly) holes that have appeared (often suddenly) in the leaves of young Brassica plants are the distinctive damage of the rarely seen Flea Beetle and can be very off-putting to the beginner gardener. WHAT ARE FLEA BEETLES The term Flea Beetle is used to describe a number of different species...

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