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Yacon Tuber Organic

73% of 100

Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) is a fascinating tuberous root vegetable native to South America, known for its crisp texture and sweet flavour. 

Yacon Tubers

A perennial tuber from South America. Underground, yacon grows a bit like a dahlia - with a small clump of knobbly growing tips/rhizomes and large storage tubers. The large edible tubers act as the energy storage facility for the plant, and the smaller propagation roots (resembling small Jerusalem artichokes) are the seeds for the following year's growth.

You will receive one tuber with multiple eyes, which will result in a nice big plant. Plant in a pot of compost in March – then out in the garden when the risk of frost has gone. See below for more information.


  • Yacon thrives in temperate climates, making it suitable for cultivation in Ireland. Plant it in well-drained soil with a slightly acidic to neutral pH. Ensure good sunlight exposure for optimal growth.
  • Yacon is typically grown from rhizomes or tubers. Plant these in early spring, once risk of frost has passed. Space them about 60-90cm apart. Ensure the soil is consistently moist during the growing season.
  • Regular watering is crucial, especially during dry spells. Mulching can help retain moisture and control weeds. Yacon plants can reach heights of 1.5 to 2 metres.
  • When harvesting, separate the reddish rhizomes from the tubers and wash off any soil, taking care not to break the skin. These rhizomes can be used to propagate (for next years plants). Keep them out of the sun and covered with slightly damp sand or sawdust to stop them drying out and stored in a dark, dry place.
  • In early spring plant the rhizomes into large pots and wait for shoots to start growing. When the shoots have formed, split the rhizomes into individual shoots with their tubers attached and plant into smaller pots.


  • Harvest yacon tubers when the plants die back. They are safe to leave in the ground but best to lift them if a heavy frost is coming. Carefully dig around the plant, being cautious not to damage the tubers. Lift the entire plant, and shake off excess soil. Gently snap the tubers off the crown.
  • Yacon tubers benefit from a short curing period. Allow them to air-dry for a week in a shaded, well-ventilated area. This enhances their sweetness and prolongs storage life.
  • Store cured yacon tubers in a cool, dark place. They can be kept for several months if stored properly. Ensure good air circulation to prevent mould or rot.


  • Yacon has a crunchy texture, slightly reminiscent of water chestnuts, and a mild sweet flavour, so it's delicious simply peeled, sliced and eaten as a snack.
  • It has a tendency to brown so make sure to prepare it just before serving or sprinkle it with some lemon juice.
  • While yacon is commonly eaten raw, it can also be cooked. Baking or stir-frying brings out its sweetness, making it a tasty side dish or even a dessert ingredient.
  • The tubers and leaves contain high levels of inulin, a form of sugar humans cannot easily break down, making it low in calories. Inulin also aids digestion and promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestine. Yacon is an ideal food for some diabetics.
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