Fruit Hill Farm - Ireland's organic farm and garden specialists | contact us | 027 50710

Fruit Hill Farm

  1. Boost Plants with a Foliar Feed

    Boost Plants with a Foliar Feed
    What is Foliar Feeding? Foliar feeding is the spraying of a liquid fertiliser onto the leaves of the plant rather than into the soil. The plant's leaves then absorb the fertiliser through their stomata and epidermis. It's important to note foliar feeding should not be used to replace regular soil fertilisation. Supplying a plants major nutritional needs is most effective...
  2. Pest and Disease Management

    Pest and Disease Management
    The best method of pest and disease management is always prevention. Make sure your soil is healthy, that conditions are suitable for the crop you are sowing and that it is the correct time of year. Crop rotation is also important, many pests and diseases are plant family specific. By rotating crops between sites these pests tend to decline in...
  3. Organic Weed Control

    Organic Weed Control
    A weed is defined as a wild or uncultivated plant growing in an undesired location. Weeds are particularly difficult for organic farmers to deal with as chemical herbicides are, of course, strictly prohibited. The three main ways to deal with weeds organically are:-Manual/Mechanical Weeding-Mulching-Thermal Weed Control Manual/Mechanical Weeding Perhaps the most obvious (and most off-putting) method is the hand pulling...
  4. What is a Biostimulant?

    What is a Biostimulant?
    A plant biostimulant is any substance or microorganism applied to plants with the aim to enhance nutrition efficiency, abiotic stress tolerance (abiotic factors are the non-living parts of an environment and include sunlight, temperature, weather and altitude) and/or crop quality traits.  Biostimulants promote plant growth without being a fertilizer.  Biostimulants are available in many formulations and with varying ingredients. The...
  5. Carrot Root Fly

    Carrot Root Fly
    The carrot root fly (Psila rosae) is responsible for much grief amongst home gardeners and commercial growers alike.
  6. Irrigation

    If you have a polytunnel you will know how long it takes to water your crops.  Why not install an irrigation system and free up all that time that you spend watering? Drip Irrigation Perhaps the easiest and most cost-effective way to water your crops is with a drip irrigation system where pipes are laid along the ground and water...
  7. Tomato Tips

    Tomato Tips
    Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting out, mastering the art of growing tomatoes can be incredibly rewarding. To help you achieve success, here are some essential tips covering everything from sowing to troubleshooting common problems.
  8. Love your soil - Learn about soil conditioners

    Love your soil - Learn about soil conditioners
    Love your soil - Learn about soil conditioners The condition of a soil will greatly impact how efficiently nutrients are taken up by plants. Most soils can be improved both in nutrient content and in structure by following good gardening practices. Soil that is in good shape will be free-draining, easy to dig, have a crumbly texture and a healthy...
  9. Cover & Protect With Netting

    Cover & Protect With Netting
    Cover & Protect With Netting Birds, rabbits and insects are unfortunately very efficient pests and will polish off a crop of strawberries or cabbages before you can blink.  Netting is the answer - but the trick is to get the right netting for the job. It is important to consider the size of the net mesh and the strength. You...
  10. Potatoes - How to get a great crop!

    Potatoes - How to get a great crop!
    What could be nicer than digging up your own potatoes from the garden? They are a relatively easy crop to grow and will give you a high yield. One plant can produce a crop of about 10-15 potatoes.